var WordsFont = "26px Verdana"; var LineHeight = 10; var LineSpace = 20; var BtnW = 56; var BtnH = 56; var DrawType = "circle"; var ErrorSoundIsOn = true; var Capital = false; var GAEventName = "game-001-colors-002-22"; var Hint = "repeat"; var SndOn = "sound off"; var SndOff = "sound on"; var GOver1 = "You have got "; var GOver11 = " out of "; var GOver2 = "The game "; var GOver3 = "is over !"; var GOver4 = "Good luck "; var GOver5 = "next time!"; var GOver6 = "close this window ( x ),"; var GOver7 = " or click here to play again."; var Wrong1 = "You've got "; var Wrong11 = " points."; var Wrong2 = "WRONG!"; var Wrong3 = "Please, click here to continue"; var Right1 = "You've got "; var Right11 = " points."; var Right2 = "CORRECT!"; var Right3 = "Please, click here to continue"; var SndPath = ""; var button_list = 0; var ButtonList = [ [ "#3366ff", "#000000", "#99ccff", "#cc66cc", "#996633", "#ff0000", "#808080", "#ffa500", "#e4e4cb", "#911131", "#000099", "#FCFBE3", "#f5f5dc", "#FFBF00", "#FFD700", "#FFFF00", "#FFC0CB", "#BFFF00", "#00ff00", "#C9C9C9", "#ffffff" ], [ "#3366ff", "#000000", "#cc66cc", "#996633", "#ff0000", "#808080", "#ffa500", "#9900cc", "#911131", "#000099", "#99ccff", "#FCFBE3", "#f5f5dc", "#FFBF00", "#FFD700", "#FFFF00", "#FFC0CB", "#BFFF00", "#00ff00", "#C9C9C9", "#ffffff" ], [ "#3366ff", "#000000", "#cc66cc", "#996633", "#ff0000", "#808080", "#ffa500", "#9900cc", "#911131", "#000099", "#99ccff", "#FCFBE3", "#f5f5dc", "#FFBF00", "#FFD700", "#FFFF00", "#FFC0CB", "#BFFF00", "#00ff00", "#C9C9C9", "#ffffff" ], [ "#3366ff", "#000000", "#cc66cc", "#996633", "#ff0000", "#808080", "#ffa500", "#9900cc", "#911131", "#000099", "#99ccff", "#FCFBE3", "#f5f5dc", "#FFBF00", "#FFD700", "#FFFF00", "#FFC0CB", "#BFFF00", "#00ff00", "#C9C9C9", "#ffffff" ], [ "#3366ff", "#000000", "#cc66cc", "#996633", "#ff0000", "#808080", "#ffa500", "#9900cc", "#911131", "#000099", "#99ccff", "#FCFBE3", "#f5f5dc", "#FFBF00", "#FFD700", "#FFFF00", "#FFC0CB", "#BFFF00", "#00ff00", "#C9C9C9", "#ffffff" ] ]; var ColorName = [ "#ff0000", "#808080", "#ffa500", "#9900cc", "#911131", "#000099", "#99ccff", "#FCFBE3", "#f5f5dc", "#FFBF00", "#FFD700", "#FFFF00", "#3366ff", "#000000", "#99ccff", "#cc66cc", "#996633", "#FFC0CB", "#BFFF00", "#00ff00", "#C9C9C9", "#ffffff" ]; var A = [ ["red"], ["grey"], ["orange"], ["violet"], ["burgundy"], ["dark blue"], ["sky blue"], ["cream"], ["beige"], ["amber"], ["gold"], ["yellow"], ["blue"], ["black"], ["light blue"], ["purple"], ["brown"], ["rose"], ["lime"], ["green"], ["silver"], ["white"] ]; var Points = [ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 ]; var TotalPoints = 462; // var ColorList = ["red", "blue", "brown", "maroon", "green", "black"]; var ColorList = ["#eeeeee", "black"]; var CurrentColor = 0; var Q = [ ["red"], ["grey"], ["orange"], ["violet"], ["burgundy"], ["dark blue"], ["sky blue"], ["cream"], ["beige"], ["amber"], ["gold"], ["yellow"], ["blue"], ["black"], ["light blue"], ["purple"], ["brown"], ["pink"], ["lime"], ["green"], ["silver"], ["white"] ]; var TotalGames = A.length+1; ///////////////////////////////////////// // Randomize the words array ///////////////////////////////////////// function ReshuffleArray(array) { var currentIndex = array.length, temporaryValue, randomIndex; // While there remain elements to shuffle... while (0 !== currentIndex) { // Pick a remaining element... randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex); currentIndex -= 1; // And swap it with the current element. temporaryValue = array[currentIndex]; array[currentIndex] = array[randomIndex]; array[randomIndex] = temporaryValue; } return array; } for( var i = 0; i 3 ) button_list = 0; else button_list++; } var MaxCorrectSounds = 22; var ErrorSoundCounter = 0; var ErrorSound = [ "001-colours-002/01.mp3", "001-colours-002/02.mp3", "001-colours-002/03.mp3", "001-colours-002/04.mp3", "001-colours-002/05.mp3", "001-colours-002/06.mp3", "001-colours-002/07.mp3", "001-colours-002/08.mp3", "001-colours-002/09.mp3", "001-colours-002/10.mp3", "001-colours-002/11.mp3", "001-colours-002/12.mp3", "001-colours-002/13.mp3", "001-colours-002/14.mp3", "001-colours-002/15.mp3", "001-colours-002/16.mp3", "001-colours-002/17.mp3", "001-colours-002/18.mp3", "001-colours-002/19.mp3", "001-colours-002/20.mp3", "001-colours-002/21.mp3", "001-colours-002/22.mp3" ]; var MaxUaSounds = 20; var UaSound = [ "001-farben-001/u01.mp3", "001-farben-001/u02.mp3", "001-farben-001/u02.mp3", "001-farben-001/u02.mp3", "001-farben-001/u02.mp3", "001-farben-001/u02.mp3", "001-farben-001/u02.mp3", "001-farben-001/u02.mp3", "001-farben-001/u02.mp3", "001-farben-001/u02.mp3", "001-farben-001/u02.mp3" ]; var CorrectSound = [ "correct1.mp3", "correct2.mp3", "correct3.mp3", "correct4.mp3", "correct5.mp3", "correct6.mp3", "correct7.mp3", "correct8.mp3", "correct9.mp3", "correct10.mp3", "correct11.mp3", "correct12.mp3", "correct13.mp3", "correct14.mp3", "correct15.mp3", "correct16.mp3", "correct17.mp3", "correct18.mp3" ]; CorrectSound = ReshuffleArray(CorrectSound); var ErrorSoundIsOn = true; var Capital = false; var GAEventName = "game-001-colours-002-22"; var Hint = "repeat"; var SndOn = "sound off"; var SndOff = "sound on"; var GOver1 = "You have got "; var GOver11 = " out of "; var GOver2 = "The game "; var GOver3 = "is over !"; var GOver4 = "Good luck "; var GOver5 = "next time!"; var GOver6 = "close this window ( x ),"; var GOver7 = " or click here to play again."; var Wrong1 = "You've got "; var Wrong11 = " points."; var Wrong2 = "WRONG!"; var Wrong3 = "Please, click here to continue"; var Right1 = "You've got "; var Right11 = " points."; var Right2 = "CORRECT!"; var Right3 = "Please, click here to continue";